Middle Atlantic Motocross Association
Class Finish Positions

BUDDS CREEK - 10/8/2006

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125 Open Senior - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #735   ANTHONY CASCIO - SUZ1st1st100
 2nd   #881   STEVEN CAMPBELL JR - HON3rd2nd91
 3rd   #34   DANIEL O'BRIEN - KAW2nd3rd91
 4th   #697   MARTY GUTOWSKI - HON5th5th78
 5th   #468   BEN LEWIS - SUZ7th4th76
 6th   #383   JEFFREY CORRON JR - KAW9th6th69
 7th   #678   CHAD BOOKMAN - KAW4th11th71
 8th   #863   GARRETT GORALSKI - HON10th7th66
 9th   #131x   JOSHUA WILLIN - KAW12th8th62
 10th   #906   TERANCE SCOTT - KAW8th13th61
 11th   #429   CHRISTOPHER KNIGHT - HON6th16th62
 12th   #789   JOSEPH MASTA JR - KAW14th9th59
 13th   #131   COREY WILSON - YAM17th10th55
 14th   #714   BRANDON NEWMAN - HON16th12th54
 15th   #688   GABE WOODROW - HON13th15th54
 16th   #96   JEFFREY DAVENPORT - KAW15th14th53
 17th   #77   ANDY HOLT - HON11thDNS30
125 Open Junior - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #81   ZACHARY SETHMAN - SUZ1st1st100
 2nd   #351   DANIEL LANGHORNE - KAW2nd2nd94
 3rd   #899   CHARLES VANE III - KAW3rd5th83
 4th   #3   JACOB MCCORMACK - HON4th9th73
 5th   #45   JOHN BOTTS IV - YAM8th6th70
 6th   #126   ERIC BUTLER - YAM6th8th70
 7th   #942   RYAN SLONE - HON12th4th70
 8th   #111   CHARLES DONALDSON III - HON5th11th69
 9th   #415   JEREMY EDWARDS - YAM7th10th66
 10th   #58   NATHAN VANDERVLIET - HON14th7th62
 11th   #428   BRANDON DEMING - KTM19th3rd66
 12th   #67   TYLER RANDLETT - KAW11th15th56
 13th   #443   BRANDON DEARINGER - YAM10th18th54
 14th   #101   EVAN MELSON - KTM9th19th54
 15th   #134   NICHOLAS LANE - SUZ17th13th52
 16th   #474   MICHAEL BRADLEY JR - HON20th12th50
 17th   #82   MEAGAN CASCIO - SUZ18th14th50
 18th   #233   MATTHEW WALKER - HON13th21st48
 19th   #28   GEOFF GUILLETTE, JR - HON21st16th45
 20th   #38   TONY HALL - YAM16th22nd44
 21st   #442   DILLON MALONEY - KAW15th25th42
 22nd   #373   COLTON FETTEROLF - SUZ27th17th38
 23rd   #113   JEFF VIERING - HON24th20th38
 24th   #138   L B BAUER - KAW22nd23rd37
 25th   #171   MIKE SEMILIA - YAM23rd24th35
 26th   #887   CHRISTOPHER CLARK - YAM26th26th30
 27th   #121   JORDAN HAWKINS - YAM25th27th30
6C-125C - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #174   DANIEL DISHONG - YAM1st1st100
 2nd   #182   ALEX MILLER - SUZ2nd3rd91
 3rd   #428   STEFANO SAIENNI - SUZ3rd4th85
 4th   #21   GREGORY PIRMER - YAM5th6th76
 5th   #132   KYLE PHILLIPS - KAW4th9th73
 6th   #251   THOMAS GUNN - SUZ6th8th70
 7th   #261   SCOT BAKER - HON11th5th69
 8th   #649   DAVE VITO - KAW8th12th62
 9th   #416   DEVIN LINES - HON12th10th60
 10th   #85   NICK PANGLE - HON9th13th60
 11th   #223   BRIAN CLUBB - YAM22nd2nd66
 12th   #939   NATHAN ACKERMAN - YAM10th14th58
 13th   #130   TREVOR SYPULT - KAW14th11th57
 14th   #917   ZACH BAUER - KAW13th16th53
 15th   #702   TYLER COGHLAN - KAW17th19th46
 16th   #87   GLENDON SYLVESTER - KAW16th20th46
 17th   #290   ROBBIE MCCASLIN - HON7th29th47
 18th   #998   TAYLOR MOONEY - SUZ20th17th45
 19th   #7   JOHN GAY - HON18th22nd42
 20th   #805   MATT LUSK - SUZ27th15th40
 21st   #503   BRADLEY BARNES - YAM15th28th39
 22nd   #238   MATTHEW MORRIS - YAM26th18th38
 23rd   #181   BRYAN KIELEK - KAW23rd21st38
 24th   #911   WILLIAM RESSLER - SUZ21st24th37
 25th   #729   MATT SALTON - HON24th25th33
 26th   #78   PAUL KLEAR - YAM25th27th30
 27th   #625   MATTHEW WALBERT - KAW28th26th28
 29th   #71   GARY UMLING - HON19thDNS22
 31st   #812   JUSTIN DENTON - YAM29thDNS12
6C-125C Div II - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #142   DEVIN ONEAL - KAW1st1st100
 2nd   #143   ERIC DESELL - YAM2nd3rd91
 3rd   #999   BRIAN HARBAUGH - YAM4th2nd88
 4th   #878   KEVIN BUCKLER JR - KAW3rd4th85
 5th   #9   KENNETH MCLAUGHLIN - YAM9th5th71
 6th   #839   ZACH GATEWOOD - HON8th6th70
 7th   #774   JOSH PRUDEN - YAM5th9th71
 8th   #8   JESSE POWELL - KAW6th10th68
 9th   #749   ANTHONY FOSTER - HON10th8th64
 10th   #177   JIMMY LANGSTON - SUZ7th13th63
 11th   #113   BRITTON WILLIAMS - HON11th12th59
 12th   #48   STEVEN ABEL - YAM13th11th58
 13th   #53   KATIE CORRON - HON12th17th53
 14th   #743   JEFFREY PAPPAIANNI - HON17th14th51
 15th   #963   CODY ANDERSEN - YAM16th15th51
 16th   #76   DAVE DESELL - HON15th18th49
 17th   #144   SETH KIMBLE - YAM19th16th47
 18th   #960   TYLER HOOD - KAW20th19th43
 19th   #967   SETH ROBINSON - HON18th21st43
 20th   #102   JOSHUA CURRY - HON21st20th41
 21st   #944   BILLY MONAGHAN - SUZ14th30th38
 22nd   #992   BRANDON KENNEDY - YAM24th22nd36
 23rd   #866   MICHAEL CURRY, JR - YAM22nd24th36
 24th   #946   MATTHEW FINOTTI - HON27th23rd32
 25th   #112   KYLE DONALDSON - HON28th25th29
 26th   #891   TROY NIEBAUER - HON26th27th29
 27th   #34   RANDALL HALL - SUZ25th29th28
 28th   #81   DAVID DWYIER - HON23rd31st28
 29th   #25   TREY GREENHILL - HON29th26th27
 30th   #764   DAVID CARVALNO - KAW30th28th24
 31st   #482   RICHARD HAHN - KAWDNS7th35
13-Women - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #82   MEAGAN CASCIO - SUZ2nd1st97
 2nd   #198   CHERYL MCCULLOUGH - HON1st2nd97
 3rd   #25   JENNIFER MILLER - HON3rd3rd88
 4th   #53   KATIE CORRON - HON5th4th80
 5th   #506   ELIZABETH LOGAN - KAW6th5th76
 6th   #124   KRISTIN SHERMAN - SUZ7th6th72
 7th   #33   TARA RUSSELL - KAW11th7th65
 8th   #496   JENNA KELLIE - KAW10th8th64
 9th   #711   LACIE GRASMICK - KAW9th9th64
 10th   #34   LAURA MCDANIEL - YAM8th10th64
 11th   #136   SHANNON RUSSELL - KAW12th11th59
 12th   #293   AMANDA BROWN - HON4th21st61
 13th   #218   MIKA KINSLOW - SUZ13th13th56
 14th   #445   MEGAN EMORY - YAM15th12th55
 15th   #215   BREANNA COX - KAW14th14th54
 16th   #887   MINDY TUBBS - YAM16th15th51
 17th   #31   MELANIE WERNIG - HON17th16th49
 18th   #513   MARIAH ALLMAN - YAM18th17th47
 19th   #555   SAMANTHA BLANKENSHIP - YAM19th18th45
 20th   #08   CYNTHIA HOLCOMB - KAW21st19th42
 21st   #213   HAYLEY MARTIN - KAW20th20th42
 22nd   #626   SUZANNE KOWITZ-THOMPSON - KAW22nd22nd38
14-Mini Women - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #144   KACEY CURTIS - YAM1st1st100
 2nd   #23   HEATHER SNYDER - KTM2nd2nd94
 3rd   #31   AMANDA BROWN - HON3rd3rd88
 4th   #129   CHELSEA NEWBOLD - HON4th4th82
 5th   #711   LACIE GRASMICK - KAW5th5th78
 6th   #33   TARA RUSSELL - KAW7th6th72
 7th   #125   KARA GROVES - YAM6th7th72
 8th   #131   MOLLY JOHNSON - YAM10th9th63
 9th   #606   GABRIELLE RICHARDSON - SUZ12th8th62
 10th   #7   TAYLOR HASTINGS - YAM8th12th62
 11th   #962   FELICIA GARRISON - SUZ11th10th61
 12th   #103   SAMANTHA BLANKENSHIP - KAW9th13th60
 13th   #443   JORDIN DEARINGER - KAW15th11th56
 14th   #3   COURTNEY POWELL - HON13th14th55
 15th   #91   AMBER RUSSNAK - HON14th16th52
 16th   #27   TAMMY LYNN POSEY - KAW16th15th51
 17th   #133   EMILY BACHMANN - SUZ18th17th47
 18th   #11   JULIA WEAVERLING - KAW17th18th47
 19th   #22   LINDSEY ATKINSON - KAW19th21st42
 20th   #143   CIERRA HOOD - KAW23rd20th39
 21st   #44   BROOKE STEINBERG - YAM21st22nd39
 22nd   #14   JESSICA UNSWORTH - KAW25th19th38
 23rd   #613   CASSIE MCKENNY - YAM22nd23rd37
 24th   #599   NICOLE MYERS - SUZ20th26th36
 25th   #17   MAGGIE GAY - HON24th25th33
 26th   #999   BRITTANY DOERK - KAW26th24th32
8-Super Senior Expert - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #41   JEFFERY CALLIHAN - YAM2nd1st97
 2nd   #171   WALTER WHITE - HON1st2nd97
 3rd   #42   DAVID HOLCOMB - YAM3rd3rd88
 4th   #899   CHARLES VANE JR - SUZ4th4th82
 5th   #36   DANIEL UPHAM - HON5th5th78
 6th   #911   DAN MOONEY - KAW6th6th74
 7th   #10s   MARTIN KELLIE - HON9th7th67
 8th   #553   JOSEPH DARE SR - YAM8th8th66
 9th   #269   MICHAEL DUNN - YAM7th9th67
8-Super Senior Support - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #4   SCOTT CROSS - HON1st1st100
 2nd   #146   DAVID RUSSELL - HON2nd3rd91
 3rd   #768   DARRYL SMITH - HON4th2nd88
 4th   #43   BERNARD MORGAN - HON6th4th78
 5th   #302   TIMOTHY CARROLL - HON5th6th76
 6th   #99   ROBERT HARBAUGH - YAM7th5th74
 7th   #20   JAMES SHUTE - HON8th7th68
 8th   #77   STEVEN CLARK - SUZ9th8th65
 9th   #597   STEPHEN MARTIN - HON3rd15th70
 10th   #112   STEPHEN BROOKS - YAM10th9th63
 11th   #534   DAVID POSEY - YAM11th10th61
 12th   #38s   THOMAS PHELAN - KAW13th11th58
 13th   #31   MELANIE WERNIG - HON12th12th58
 14th   #182   JONATHAN KIELEK - KAW15th13th54
 15th   #08   CYNTHIA HOLCOMB - KAW14th14th54
7-Senior Expert - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #962   RICHARD GARRISON JR - SUZ1st1st100
 2nd   #171   WALTER WHITE - HON3rd2nd91
 3rd   #1   THOMAS MCDANIEL - YAM4th3rd85
 4th   #856   TERRANCE NEWBOLD - HON6th4th78
 5th   #98   MARK ADAMS - HON7th5th74
 6th   #x   LEONARD GROVES - YAM5th7th74
 7th   #8   MICHAEL BENSON - HON2nd10th78
 8th   #42   DAVID HOLCOMB - YAM12th6th66
 9th   #51   ROBERT WERNIG - HON9th9th64
 10th   #122   LARRY RODBELL - HON11th8th63
 11th   #878   MICHAEL HEFLIN SR - SUZ8th12th62
 12th   #96   AUBREY HAWKINS - YAM10th11th61
 13th   #567   PRESTON HOOD SR - HON14th14th54
 14th   #899   CHARLES VANE JR - SUZ13th15th54
 15th   #911   DAN MOONEY - KAW15th16th51
 16th   #960   JASON PRUITT - YAMDNS13th28
7-Senior Support - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #307   SCOTT FETTERROLF - SUZ1st1st100
 2nd   #101   SCOTT HASTINGS - YAM4th3rd85
 3rd   #673   BRYCE REEVES - YAM6th2nd84
 4th   #43   BERNARD MORGAN - HON3rd5th83
 5th   #203   MIKE ATKINSON - KAW5th6th76
 6th   #447   WILLIAM EMORY - HON2nd10th78
 7th   #738   KEITH BOYER - KAW8th7th68
 8th   #9   MICHAEL DOERK SR - KAW7th8th68
 9th   #99x   ROBERT HARBAUGH - YAM12th4th70
 10th   #71   RICHARD EVERETT - YAM9th11th62
 11th   #11   BRAXTON HOLLAND - KTM10th12th60
 12th   #229   FRANK SMITH - HONDNS9th32
 13th   #4   SCOTT CROSS - HON11thDNS30
9-Alumni Open - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #735   ANTHONY CASCIO - SUZ1st1st100
 2nd   #79   RYAN HOLT - HON4th3rd85
 3rd   #690   DANIEL PENA - KAW3rd4th85
 4th   #125   MICHAEL GROVES - HON8th2nd80
 5th   #55   JAMES WHITE - SUZ6th5th76
 6th   #913   FREDDIE LONGFELLOW - KAW5th6th76
 7th   #123   BENJAMIN DISHONG - YAM7th7th70
 8th   #x   LEONARD GROVES - YAM10th8th64
 9th   #856   TERRANCE NEWBOLD - HON9th9th64
 10th   #878   ERIC MCKAY - KAW2ndDNS47
9-Alumni Support - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #711   BLAIR BOWEN JR - HON2nd1st97
 2nd   #128   CHRISTOPHER SNYDER - HON1st2nd97
 3rd   #142   DEVIN ONEAL - KAW3rd3rd88
 4th   #126   ERIC BUTLER - YAM4th4th82
 5th   #307   CHRISTOPHER BENSON - HON6th5th76
 6th   #962   RICHARD GARRISON JR - SUZ5th9th71
 7th   #603   JUSTIN KIDD - HON7th8th68
 8th   #720   CHAD MILLER - YAM10th6th68
 9th   #886   KYLE TUBBS - YAM12th7th64
 10th   #233x   MIKE WALKER - HON9th10th63
 11th   #555   DANIEL BLANKENSHIP - HON11th12th59
 12th   #164   RICKY HENDERICKS - HON13th14th55
 13th   #895   JOHN MAAS - HON15th13th54
 14th   #8   MICHAEL BENSON - HON8th20th54
 15th   #113   BRITTON WILLIAMS - HON14th16th52
 16th   #409   CHRIS FINLEY - HON16th15th51
 17th   #567   PRESTON HOOD JR - HON22nd11th49
 18th   #31   CHRISTOPHER DARE - SUZ17th17th48
 19th   #141   BRANDON DOWELL - YAM19th18th45
 20th   #76   ANDY HALLER - YAM20th19th43
 21st   #701   TYLER WILLIAMS - YAM18th22nd42
 22nd   #117   MIKE ESTEP - HON21st21st40
12-Collegeboy 18-24 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #125   MICHAEL GROVES - HON1st1st100
 2nd   #690   DANIEL PENA - KAW2nd2nd94
 3rd   #878   ERIC MCKAY - KAW3rd4th85
 4th   #123   BENJAMIN DISHONG - YAM4th5th80
 5th   #79   RYAN HOLT - HON10th3rd75
 6th   #307   CHRISTOPHER BENSON - HON7th8th68
 7th   #603   JUSTIN KIDD - HON5th11th69
 8th   #128   CHRISTOPHER SNYDER - HON11th6th67
 9th   #75   COREY LINDSEY - YAM9th9th64
 10th   #555   DANIEL BLANKENSHIP - HON8th10th64
 11th   #720   CHAD MILLER - YAM12th7th64
 12th   #886   KYLE TUBBS - YAM6th13th65
 13th   #302   MAC CARROLL - HONDNS12th29
11-Schoolboy 2 Stroke - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #110   DANIEL O'BRIEN - KAW2nd1st97
 2nd   #191   ANDREW BENSON - YAM1st2nd97
 3rd   #139   PAUL HEILIG JR - HON5th3rd83
 4th   #351   DANIEL LANGHORNE - KAW3rd5th83
 5th   #428   STEFANO SAIENNI - SUZ4th6th78
 6th   #105   ERIC DESELL - SUZ10th4th71
 7th   #56   SHON MOORE - HON5th9th69
 8th   #126   ERIC BUTLER - YAM7th8th66
 9th   #7   JOHN GAY - HON9th12th60
 10th   #944   BILLY MONAGHAN - SUZ8th14th59
 11th   #866   MICHAEL CURRY, JR - YAM12th11th58
 12th   #34   RANDALL HALL - SUZ11th15th55
 13th   #996   SCOTT WEIR - KTMDNS7th35
 14th   #531   MICHAEL ANDERSON - KAW6thDNS35
 15th   #999   BRIAN HARBAUGH - YAMDNS10th31
 16th   #102   JOSHUA CURRY - HONDNS13th28
 17th   #111   CHARLES TIPPETT - YAMDNS16th25
10-Schoolboy 4 Stroke - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #468   BEN LEWIS - SUZ1st2nd97
 2nd   #697   MARTY GUTOWSKI - HON3rd1st94
 3rd   #383   JEFFREY CORRON JR - KAW5th4th80
 4th   #789   JOSEPH MASTA JR - KAW4th5th80
 5th   #415   JEREMY EDWARDS - YAM6th7th72
 6th   #429   CHRISTOPHER KNIGHT - HON14th3rd71
 7th   #182   ALEX MILLER - SUZ9th8th65
 8th   #714   BRANDON NEWMAN - HON7th10th66
 9th   #887   CHRISTOPHER CLARK - YAM2nd16th72
 10th   #442   DILLON MALONEY - KAW13th9th60
 11th   #474   MICHAEL BRADLEY JR - HON11th11th60
 12th   #443   BRANDON DEARINGER - YAM10th12th60
 13th   #177   JIMMY LANGSTON - SUZ15th13th54
 14th   #909   BROCK RICHARDSON - SUZ8th21st53
 15th   #261   SCOT BAKER - HON16th14th52
 16th   #174   DANIEL DISHONG - YAM12th20th50
 17th   #238   MATTHEW MORRIS - YAM20th15th47
 18th   #998   TAYLOR MOONEY - SUZ18th17th47
 19th   #181   PATRICK HARRISON - HON19th19th44
 20th   #181x   BRYAN KIELEK - KAW21st18th43
 21st   #626   MATTHEW WALBERT - KAW22nd22nd38
 22nd   #428   BRANDON DEMING - KTMDNS6th37
 23rd   #963   CODY ANDERSEN - YAM17thDNS24
10-Schoolboy 4 Stroke Div II - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #55   JAMES WHITE - SUZ2nd1st97
 2nd   #881   STEVEN CAMPBELL JR - HON4th2nd88
 3rd   #77   ANDY HOLT - HON3rd4th85
 4th   #735   ANTHONY CASCIO - SUZ1st6th87
 5th   #81   ZACHARY SETHMAN - SUZ5th3rd83
 6th   #45   JOHN BOTTS IV - YAM8th5th72
 7th   #67   TYLER RANDLETT - KAW9th7th67
 8th   #906   TERANCE SCOTT - KAW7th10th66
 9th   #131x   JOSHUA WILLIN - KAW6th11th67
 10th   #863   GARRETT GORALSKI - HON12th8th62
 11th   #58   NATHAN VANDERVLIET - HON10th12th60
 12th   #942   RYAN SLONE - HON11th14th57
 13th   #678   CHAD BOOKMAN - KAW17th9th56
 14th   #77x   T J IRVIN - HON15th13th54
 15th   #28   GEOFF GUILLETTE, JR - HON13th16th53
 16th   #144   SETH KIMBLE - YAM14th19th49
 17th   #113   JEFF VIERING - HON21st15th46
 18th   #138   L B BAUER - KAW19th17th46
 19th   #743   JEFFREY PAPPAIANNI - HON16th20th46
 20th   #130   TREVOR SYPULT - KAW18th21st43
 21st   #899   CHARLES VANE III - KAW20th22nd40
 22nd   #688   GABE WOODROW - HON22nd23rd37
 23rd   #482   RICHARD HAHN - KAWDNS18th23
5-Supermini Senior - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #531x   MICHAEL ANDERSON - KAW2nd1st97
 2nd   #191   ANDREW BENSON - YAM1st2nd97
 3rd   #442   SCOTT CLARK - KAW3rd3rd88
 4th   #100   CHRIS SHANER - YAM5th4th80
 5th   #909   BROCK RICHARDSON - SUZ6th5th76
 6th   #531   NICK COLEIANNE - KAW8th8th66
 7th   #21   BROOKS WALLER - YAM10th7th66
 8th   #877   PERRY TOSKOV - YAM11th9th62
 9th   #479   ZACHARY PAGE - KAW16th6th62
 10th   #394   MALCOLM KELLIE - HON12th10th60
 11th   #111   ANTHONY SMITH JR - HON9th13th60
 12th   #150   JAMES BISHOP - KAW7th16th60
 13th   #2   TYLER CUSTER - YAM14th12th56
 14th   #47   JEREMIAH LEWIS - SUZ13th14th55
 15th   #15   ROBERT RELYEA - HON18th11th53
 16th   #12   BROC REEVES - YAM15th20th47
 17th   #521   MICHAEL WALBERT - KAW19th18th45
 18th   #31   CODY JOHNSON - YAM23rd15th44
 19th   #446   TYLER EMORY - YAM20th21st41
 20th   #917   ZACH BAUER - KAW26th17th39
 21st   #416   DEVIN LINES - HON25th22nd35
 22nd   #181   PATRICK HARRISON - SUZ22nd25th35
 23rd   #523   LOGAN FRANCE - HON21st26th35
 24th   #5   CODY WOODS - HON24th24th34
 25th   #524   TYLER STREVIG - KAW27th23rd32
 26th   #109   MICHEAL MCSHERRY - YAM28th27th27
 27th   #77   T J IRVIN - HON4thDNS41
 28th   #188   KIRBY KINSLOW - KTM17thDNS24
 29th   #240   MATTHEW NILAND - SUZDNS19th22
5-Supermini Junior (C Class) - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #334   KYLE UMLING - SUZ1st1st100
 2nd   #282   DANNY BROWN - SUZ4th2nd88
 3rd   #08   RYAN HOLCOMB - HON3rd5th83
 4th   #37   KYLE FARREN - SUZ6th3rd81
 5th   #24   CHRISTOPHER UPHAM - HON7th4th76
 6th   #397   BRANDON KENNEDY - YAM8th9th65
 7th   #14x   JAMES ADAMS - HON12th7th64
 8th   #133   CAMERON WALKER - SUZ9th10th63
 9th   #14   NICHOLAS FERRELL - YAM14th6th64
 10th   #3x   TAYLOR STEINBERG - YAM13th13th56
 11th   #51   SEAN ROBERTS - KAW10th17th55
 12th   #2   CALVIN CHASE II - KAW5th22nd58
 13th   #713   BRANDON LEHAN - KAW22nd8th52
 14th   #07   NICHOLAS CROSS - KAW18th12th52
 15th   #616   JERRY BLOOM - KAW11th23rd48
 16th   #738   TYLER BOYER - HON15th20th47
 17th   #881   DANIEL GARRETT - KTM25th11th46
 18th   #3   TRAVIS KEYSER - KTM20th16th46
 19th   #999   MICHAEL DOERK JR - KAW23rd14th45
 20th   #63   JOEY GAY - HON19th18th45
 21st   #109x   THOMAS MCKENNEY - YAM17th21st44
 22nd   #96   SETH DAVENPORT - KAW24th15th43
 23rd   #899   MICHAEL VANE - YAM21st19th42
 24th   #4   MICHAEL CONNELLY - HON2ndDNS47
 25th   #531   WYATT BOSLEY - YAM16thDNS25
4A-80A 12-15 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #531   MICHAEL ANDERSON - KAW1st1st100
 2nd   #191   ANDREW BENSON - YAM2nd2nd94
 3rd   #77   T J IRVIN - KTM3rd4th85
 4th   #100   CHRIS SHANER - YAM8th3rd77
 5th   #134   NICHOLAS LANE - SUZ5th6th76
 6th   #101   EVAN MELSON - KTM9th5th71
 7th   #111   ANTHONY SMITH JR - HON7th7th70
 8th   #479   ZACHARY PAGE - KAW6th8th70
 9th   #909   BROCK RICHARDSON - SUZ4thDNS41
4B-80B 12-15 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #531   NICK COLEIANNE - KAW1st1st100
 2nd   #394   MALCOLM KELLIE - HON2nd2nd94
 3rd   #446   TYLER EMORY - YAM3rd5th83
 4th   #150   JAMES BISHOP - KAW4th7th76
 5th   #15   ROBERT RELYEA - YAM10th3rd75
 6th   #877   PERRY TOSKOV - YAM6th8th70
 7th   #119   ZACH VITO - KTM5th10th70
 8th   #188   KIRBY KINSLOW - KTM7th9th67
 9th   #47   JEREMIAH LEWIS - SUZ11th6th67
 10th   #109   MICHEAL MCSHERRY - YAM8th14th60
 11th   #624   TYLER HOOD - KAW14th11th57
 12th   #240   MATTHEW NILAND - SUZ12th13th57
 13th   #12   BROC REEVES - YAM15th12th55
 14th   #525   MICHAEL DUNN II - SUZ13th15th54
 15th   #21   BROOKS WALLER - YAMDNS4th41
 16th   #100x   DANIEL THOMPSON - YAM9thDNS32
 17th   #181   PATRICK HARRISON - SUZDNS16th25
4C-80C 12-15 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #8   JESSE POWELL - KAW4th1st91
 2nd   #4   MICHAEL CONNELLY - HON3rd4th85
 3rd   #282   DANNY BROWN - SUZ8th2nd80
 4th   #713   BRANDON LEHAN - KAW2nd9th79
 5th   #881   DANIEL GARRETT - KTM9th3rd76
 6th   #521   MICHAEL WALBERT - KAW7th6th72
 7th   #129   CHELSEA NEWBOLD - HON13th5th67
 8th   #131   BILLY JOHNSON - YAM11th8th63
 9th   #3   TAYLOR STEINBERG - YAM10th10th62
 10th   #08   RYAN HOLCOMB - HON17th7th59
 11th   #51   SEAN ROBERTS - KAW6th18th60
 12th   #2   CALVIN CHASE II - KAW1st23rd68
 13th   #616   JERRY BLOOM - KAW12th13th57
 14th   #24   CHRISTOPHER UPHAM - HON5th20th60
 15th   #7   TODD CHANEY - KAW14th12th56
 16th   #109   THOMAS MCKENNEY - YAM19th11th52
 17th   #738   TYLER BOYER - HON15th15th52
 18th   #87   DALTON DOUGLAS - KTM18th14th50
 19th   #1   TIGHE HARRISON - SUZ16th16th50
 20th   #63   JOEY GAY - HON20th17th45
 21st   #384   NIKOLAS SCHARKOPF - YAM21st19th42
 22nd   #89   MICHAEL DOERK JR - HON22nd21st39
 23rd   #148   ANTHONY MILLER - KAW23rd22nd37
 24th   #11   JULIA WEAVERLING - KAW24th24th34
3A-80A 7-11 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #442   SCOTT CLARK - KAW1st1st100
 2nd   #2   TYLER CUSTER - YAM2nd2nd94
 3rd   #286   AUSTIN TOSKOV - KAW3rd3rd88
 4th   #27   NATHAN RANDLETT - KTM5th4th80
 5th   #168   DARREN STREETS - KTM7th5th74
 6th   #31   CODY JOHNSON - YAM4th8th74
 7th   #141   TRISTAN KIMBLE - KTM8th6th70
 8th   #523   LOGAN FRANCE - HON6th9th69
 9th   #69   HAYDEN CABADA - KTM9th7th67
3B-80B 7-11 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #144   KACEY CURTIS - YAM1st1st100
 2nd   #794   BRAD TRIESCHMAN - SUZ2nd2nd94
 3rd   #5   CODY WOODS - HON3rd3rd88
 4th   #33   STEVEN SIMMONS - KTM4th6th78
 5th   #14   JONATHAN MOORE - HON8th4th74
 6th   #86   CHRIS TRIESCHMAN - SUZ9th5th71
 7th   #524   TYLER STREVIG - KAW7th7th70
 8th   #911   COLLIN RICHARDS - KTM6th8th70
 9th   #31   CHARLES WERNIG - KTM5th9th71
 10th   #48   NICHOLAS MAYBERRY - HON10th10th62
3C-80C 7-11 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #14   NICHOLAS FERRELL - YAM1st1st100
 2nd   #211   JACOB BROOKS - KAW3rd2nd91
 3rd   #20   GREG HALL - KAW2nd3rd91
 4th   #14x   JAMES ADAMS - HON4th4th82
 5th   #07   NICHOLAS CROSS - KAW7th6th72
 6th   #3   TRAVIS KEYSER - KTM6th7th72
 7th   #220   ZACH SCHELLENSCHLAGER - HON10th5th70
 8th   #531   WYATT BOSLEY - YAM5th10th70
 9th   #899   MICHAEL VANE - YAM8th8th66
 10th   #425   MICHAEL HEFLIN JR - SUZ12th9th61
 11th   #4   MAKIYAH GORMAN - SUZ11th12th59
 12th   #515   BRANDON SPURR - YAM9th17th56
 13th   #728   MATHEW SMITH - KAW16th11th55
 14th   #287   RASHAD BRANDON - KAW14th13th55
 15th   #120   JAMES SHUTE, JR - HON15th15th52
 16th   #106   CHRISTOPHER SHERMAN JR - SUZ17th14th51
 17th   #24   NICK COLE - KAW13th20th49
 18th   #171   TYLER WHITE - SUZ18th16th48
 19th   #196   FREDDIE OEHLER III - SUZ19th18th45
 20th   #10   TITUS MORGAN - HON20th19th43
 21st   #821   JUSTIN BEAN - KAW21st21st40
 22nd   #114   TOMMY PERRY - HON22nd24th36
 23rd   #214   DYLAN ROBERTSON - YAMDNS22nd19
 24th   #89   NICHOLAS DOERK - KAWDNS23rd18
2A-60A - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #27   NATHAN RANDLETT - KTM1st1st100
 2nd   #286   AUSTIN TOSKOV - KAW2nd2nd94
 3rd   #69   HAYDEN CABADA - KTM4th4th82
 4th   #794   BRAD TRIESCHMAN - KTM5th5th78
 5th   #168   DARREN STREETS - KTM3rd7th79
 6th   #141   TRISTAN KIMBLE - KTM8th3rd77
 7th   #236   HEATHER SNYDER - KTM7th6th72
 8th   #33   STEVEN SIMMONS - KTM6th8th70
2B-60B - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #31   CHARLES WERNIG - KTM1st3rd94
 2nd   #567   NICHOLAS CARROLL - KTM5th2nd86
 3rd   #515   BRANDON SPURR - SUZ3rd4th85
 4th   #48   NICHOLAS MAYBERRY - HON2nd5th86
 5th   #911   COLLIN RICHARDS - KTM9th1st82
 6th   #726   CAMERON DOWELL - KTM4th8th74
 7th   #322   KEVIN ROBEY JR - KAW7th6th72
 8th   #4   MAKIYAH GORMAN - KTM8th9th65
 9th   #483   SEAN DEMORELAND - KTM6th15th63
 10th   #171   TYLER WHITE - SUZ12th10th60
 11th   #962   FELICIA GARRISON - SUZ11th11th60
 12th   #106   CHRISTOPHER SHERMAN JR - KAW10th12th60
 13th   #51   MICHAEL LANGHORNE - KAW16th7th60
 14th   #204   MICHAEL HART - KTM13th13th56
 15th   #196   FREDDIE OEHLER III - KTM15th14th53
 16th   #205   PAUL PINTO - KTM14thDNS27
2C-60C - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #97   JACOB LEWIS - KTM1st1st100
 2nd   #19   "ALLEN" RUSSNAK II - KAW4th2nd88
 3rd   #00   MASON RICHARDS - COB3rd3rd88
 4th   #728   BRYCE LEHAN - KAW2nd5th86
 5th   #611   KEITH VIERING - KTM5th4th80
 6th   #77   AUSTIN SIMMONS - KTM6th8th70
 7th   #711   WAYNE BAYLY III - KTM7th10th66
 8th   #12   COLIN REEVES - SUZ9th9th64
 9th   #27   TAMMY LYNN POSEY - KAW8th11th63
 10th   #129   DARREN HASENGALE - KTM10th13th59
 11th   #40   BRENT MCCLEARY - KTM14th12th56
 12th   #24   NICK COLE - KAW12th14th56
 13th   #728x   MATHEW SMITH - KAW21st6th57
 14th   #116   MICHAEL BOTELER - KAW13th16th53
 15th   #34   STEPHEN THOMPSON - KAW11th19th52
 16th   #87   STANLEY PRICE - SUZ15th18th49
 17th   #203   LUCAS STIIM - SUZ16th21st45
 18th   #9   NICHOLAS DOERK - KAW18th23rd41
 19th   #45   KEVIN SIMMONS - KAW20th22nd40
 20th   #18   CREIGHTON HOSTELKA - KTM28th15th39
 21st   #99   GEORGIE FRYE - KTM24th20th38
 22nd   #111   TIM TRIESCHMAN - KTM29th17th36
 23rd   #449   KYLE HENDERSON - KTM23rd24th35
 24th   #821   JUSTIN BEAN - KAW19th28th35
 25th   #55   JOHN MCNAMARA - SUZ17th30th35
 26th   #260   LOGAN ROBERTS - KAW22nd26th34
 27th   #200   KAMERON HENDERSON - KAW25th25th32
 28th   #61   TYLER HASTINGS - KAW26th29th27
 29th   #17   PATRICK ANDERSON - KAW30th27th25
 30th   #15   JAMES WEAVERLING - KTM27th31st24
 31st   #443   JORDIN DEARINGER - KAWDNS7th35
1A-50A - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #726   CAMERON DOWELL - FAC1st1st100
 2nd   #711   WAYNE BAYLY III - KTM3rd2nd91
 3rd   #99   GEORGIE FRYE - KTM2nd4th88
 4th   #71   TYLER FOARD - KTM5th3rd83
 5th   #40   BRENT MCCLEARY - KTM4th5th80
 6th   #87   STANLEY PRICE - FAC6th6th74
1B-50B - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #15x   SHANE DESELL - FAC1st1st100
 2nd   #77   AUSTIN SIMMONS - KTM2nd2nd94
 3rd   #3   BRANDON PORTER - FAC3rd3rd88
 4th   #96   NICHOLAS CABADA - COB7th4th76
 5th   #31   E ANN WERNIG - LEM6th5th76
 6th   #449   KYLE HENDERSON - KTM5th6th76
 7th   #121   JUSTIN STREETS - KAW4th8th74
 8th   #202   ADAM MELSON - COB9th7th67
 9th   #24   JEREMY MAYBERRY - SUZ10th9th63
 10th   #16   LUKE RUSSELL - HON11th10th61
 11th   #6   KATELYN POWELL - BET8th13th61
 12th   #441   SHAMUS MALONEY - COB12th11th59
 13th   #15   JAMES WEAVERLING - KTM13th12th57
1D-50 Oil 4-6 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #224   JAKOB SCHELLENSCHLAGER - KTM1st1st100
 2nd   #100   JARRETT FRYE - KTM2nd2nd94
 3rd   #58   JUSTIN RODBELL - KTM3rd4th85
 4th   #11   ZACH HOLLAND - KTM5th3rd83
 5th   #282   COREY BROWN - KTM7th5th74
 6th   #962   NICOLE GARRISON - KTM4th9th73
 7th   #88   CODY AKERS - KTM8th6th70
 8th   #26   JEREMY FOWLER - KTM6th8th70
 9th   #568   BENJAMEN CARROLL - KTM11th7th65
 10th   #880   BRANDEN CAMPBELL - KTM10th10th62
 11th   #33   COREY PORTER - KTM12th11th59
 12th   #18   SHELBY BENSON - YAM13th12th57
 13th   #53   JACOB RUSSELL - YAM9thDNS32
 14th   #06   CODY GROVES - YAM14thDNS27
1C-50 Oil 7-8 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #112   DONALD DEMARR - KTM3rd1st94
 2nd   #271   MARTIN MUNDO - COB2nd2nd94
 3rd   #00   MASON RICHARDS - COB1st3rd94
 4th   #103   JOSHUA CLARK - KTM4th4th82
 5th   #14   ANDREW BORROR - HON6th5th76
 6th   #26   GENE COPELAND JR - HON5th6th76
Return to Main Results Menu Total Entries: 589

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