Middle Atlantic Motocross Association
Class Finish Positions

Tomahawk 7/23-7/24 - 7/23/2011

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250 A - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #111   BROC SCHMELYUN - KAW1st1st100
 2nd   #760   TYLER WOZNEY - HON2nd2nd94
 3rd   #398   ROBERT KRAFT - YAM3rd3rd88
 4th   #191   ANDREW BENSON - YAM4th4th82
 5th   #77   T IRVIN - HON5th5th78
250 B - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #19   SCOTT CARPENTER - KAW2nd1st97
 2nd   #4   SCOTT CLARK - KAW1st2nd97
 3rd   #270   JACOB RUNKLES - KAW3rd3rd88
 4th   #88   GARRETT REYNOLDS - SUZ6th4th78
 5th   #421   CHRIS SIEGEL - HON5th6th76
 6th   #714   BRANDON NEWMAN - HON8th5th72
 7th   #32   ISAAC HARPER - HON7th9th67
 8th   #61   ANTHONY HALL JR - KAW10th7th66
 9th   #161   TRAVIS CHRISTOPHER - SUZ9th8th65
 10th   #123   STEVEN SCHULTZ - YAM11th10th61
 11th   #256   BRYAN WILMOTH - UNK12th11th59
 12th   #113   DAVID HUGHES - YAM4thDNF41
 13th   #307   CHRISTOPHER BENSON - HON13th12th57
 14th   #62   NICHOLAS ISREAL - HON14th13th55
 15th   #886   KYLE TUBBS - SUZ15th14th53
250 C - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #483   SEAN DEMORELAND - SUZ2nd1st97
 2nd   #621   KENNY HADRY - SUZ1st2nd97
 3rd   #14   CORY JOHNSON - SUZ3rd5th83
 4th   #34   DEREK DUPONT - YAM6th3rd81
 5th   #199x   MATTHEW KENDRA - SUZ5th4th80
 6th   #415   KYLE WHEELER - YAM4th6th78
 7th   #55   JOHN MCNAMARA - SUZ9th7th67
 8th   #214   DYLAN ROBERTSON - YAM10th8th64
 9th   #39   RANDY WHITE - YAM8th10th64
 10th   #51   MICHAEL DONOHUE - SUZ11th9th62
 11th   #82x   TERREL ISREAL - SUZ13th11th58
 12th   #395   TIMOTHY ROBINE JR - SUZ12th12th58
 13th   #84   TIMOTHY JORDAN - SUZ14th14th54
 14th   #128   DANTE BERARDI - SUZ7th22nd54
 15th   #3   EDWARD JAKOVICH III - YAM17th13th52
 16th   #989   JACOB FOWLER - YAM15th16th51
 17th   #913   RICHARD JAQUES - SUZ18th15th49
 18th   #5   RYAN JAKOVICH - YAM16th20th46
 19th   #436   GLEN PALMER - SUZ20th17th45
 20th   #916   TYLER SMITH - YAM19th18th45
 21st   #596   BRANDON CLOSE - SUZ22nd19th41
 22nd   #673x   COLIN REEVES - YAM21st21st40
 23rd   #22x   TYLER HUGHES - SUZ23rd23rd36
250 C Div II - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #22   KEITH LENGLE - KAW1st1st100
 2nd   #489   JOHN JORAN - HON3rd2nd91
 3rd   #180   JACOB PRUITT - HON2nd3rd91
 4th   #195   BRADY KISER - HON4th4th82
 5th   #702   JAMES WEAVERLING - YAM6th5th76
 6th   #159   SAMUEL FOWLER - KAW9th6th69
 7th   #528   WYATT HIX - HON5th10th70
 8th   #673   BROC REEVES - YAM8th8th66
 9th   #915   JOSHUA MAXFIELD - HON7th9th67
 10th   #47   KEVIN BRICKEY - HON10th7th66
 11th   #422   JUSTIN WHEELER - HON11th12th59
 12th   #256   HAROLD WILLETT III - KTM12th13th57
 13th   #770   DAVID ELLIXSON JR - HON13th14th55
 14th   #314   MICHAEL LEWIS - SUZ14th15th53
 15th   #29   ANDREW VALESKI - KAW19th11th52
 16th   #318x   TRAVIS MARSHALL - KTM15th16th51
 17th   #33x   COLBY NEHRING - HON16th17th49
 18th   #33   CALEB NEWCOMER - HON17th18th47
 19th   #117x   DARIUS GLOVER - HON18th20th44
 20th   #567   MITCHELL ANDERSON - KAWDNF19th22
250 D - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #17   FRANK LISJAK - YAM1st1st100
 2nd   #27   SCOTT SEXTON - KAW2ndDNF47
 3rd   #77   ABRAHAM DUNSMORE - HON3rdDNF44
Women - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #125   KARA GROVES - YAM3rd1st94
 2nd   #31   E WERNIG - HON2nd2nd94
 3rd   #18   EMILY ELY - YAM5th3rd83
 4th   #229   MARISSA PECK - KAW4th4th82
 5th   #61   JESSICA ABRAMS - KTM10th5th70
 6th   #27   TAMMY POSEY - YAM9th6th69
 7th   #101   ANNA SHEUBROOKS - KAW7th8th68
 8th   #827   DANA BASSFORD - KAW11th7th65
 9th   #506   ELIZABETH LOGAN - KAW8th10th64
 10th   #129   CHELSEA NEWBOLD - HON1stDNF50
 11th   #19   BROOKE JOHNSON - SUZ15th9th58
 12th   #141   ANN SUPPLE - YAM12th12th58
 13th   #360   KAITLYN KACZKA - KAW14th11th57
 14th   #133   EMILIE BACHMANN - SUZ13th13th56
 15th   #962   FELICIA GARRISON - HON6thDNF37
 16th   #67   KATHRINA CLOSE - HON16thDNF25
 17th   #113   MICHAELA FOWLER - KAW17thDNF24
Mini Women Open 7-15 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #24   HALEIGH JOWETT - KTM3rd1st94
 2nd   #101   ANNA SHEUBROOKS - KAW5th2nd86
 3rd   #27   TAMMY POSEY - YAM4th3rd85
 4th   #8   SHELBY BENSON - SUZ1stDNF50
 5th   #817   DIAMOND BAILEY - HON2ndDNF47
Mini Women Support 7-15 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #360   KAITLYN KACZKA - KAW1st3rd94
 2nd   #8x   KATIE BENSON - KTM3rd2nd91
 3rd   #61   JESSICA ABRAMS - HON5th1st89
 4th   #141   ANN SUPPLE - HON4th4th82
 5th   #962x   NICOLE GARRISON - SUZ2nd6th84
 6th   #145   JESSICA BETZ - KAW6th5th76
 7th   #19   BROOKE JOHNSON - SUZ8th7th68
 8th   #962   HALLIE GARRISON - SUZ7th9th67
 9th   #67   KATHRINA CLOSE - HON10th8th64
 10th   #125   LINDSEY GROVES - KTM9th10th63
Super Senior Open - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #899   JOSEPH TURNER - SUZ1st1st100
 2nd   #418   RICH HUTCHINS - SUZ3rd2nd91
 3rd   #84   GREG VOELL - YAM2nd4th88
 4th   #45   ROY CRAIG - SUZ4th3rd85
 5th   #856   TERRANCE NEWBOLD - HON5th5th78
 6th   #17   EUGENE KACZKA - HON6th7th72
 7th   #57   FOREST HUFFNER - KAW8th6th70
 8th   #96   J HAWKINS - SUZ7th8th68
 9th   #191   ED LENNON - YAM9thDNF32
Super Senior Support - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #3   EDWARD JAKOVICH III - YAM1st1st100
 2nd   #887   DAN JORDAN SR - SUZ2nd2nd94
 3rd   #530   DONNIE CRANFORD - YAM4th3rd85
 4th   #41   MICHAEL JACKSON - SUZ3rd4th85
 5th   #828   JAMES WEAVERLING SR - YAM8th5th72
 6th   #673   BRYCE REEVES - YAM6th7th72
 7th   #516   RANDY HOLSAPPLE - HON5th9th71
 8th   #501   GREG PEREZ SR - KAW7th8th68
 9th   #419   DAVID POSEY - YAM9th10th63
 10th   #00   W JOWETT III - KTM14th6th64
 11th   #39   BRENT WHITE - YAM10th11th61
 12th   #359   PETER FOWLER - KAW12th12th58
 13th   #117   JOHN WHEELER - SUZ11th13th58
 14th   #24   DAVID FULTON - KAW13th14th55
Senior Open - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #899   JOSEPH TURNER - SUZ1st1st100
 2nd   #701   CHAD GILL - KAW2nd2nd94
 3rd   #8   MICHAEL BENSON - HON4th3rd85
 4th   #962   RICHARD GARRISON - SUZ3rd5th83
 5th   #84   GREG VOELL - YAM6th4th78
 6th   #111   BRANDON EVANS - KAW7th6th72
 7th   #29   MARK WALKER - SUZ5th8th72
 8th   #17   EUGENE KACZKA - HON8th7th68
Senior Support - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #33   BRIAN FARINA - KAW1st1st100
 2nd   #272   QUENTIN CLOSE - KAW4th2nd88
 3rd   #295   TOBY HAYES - YAM3rd3rd88
 4th   #27   AARON SANBORN - YAM2nd5th86
 5th   #36   NICHOLAS FOWLER - HON10th4th72
 6th   #00   W JOWETT III - KTM8th6th70
 7th   #325   DONALD ROBBINS JR - KAW7th7th70
 8th   #516   RANDY HOLSAPPLE - HON6th9th69
 9th   #4   CARROLL WILKERSON - SUZ5th11th69
 10th   #887   DAN JORDAN SR - SUZ9th8th65
 11th   #911   DANNY RANDALL - KAW12th10th60
 12th   #24   DAVID FULTON - KAW11th12th59
 13th   #49   MARK VAN SKIKE - KTM13thDNF28
Open A - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #191   ANDREW BENSON - YAM2nd1st97
 2nd   #111   BROC SCHMELYUN - KAW3rd2nd91
 3rd   #760   TYLER WOZNEY - HON1st6th87
 4th   #77   T IRVIN - KAW6th3rd81
 5th   #98   TOM WELCH - KAW5th4th80
 6th   #398   ROBERT KRAFT - YAM4th5th80
 7th   #819   JOSHUA STEIN - KAW7thDNF35
Open B - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #4   SCOTT CLARK - KAW2nd1st97
 2nd   #19   SCOTT CARPENTER - KAW1st2nd97
 3rd   #714   BRANDON NEWMAN - HON3rd3rd88
 4th   #88   GARRETT REYNOLDS - SUZ4th5th80
 5th   #61   ANTHONY HALL JR - KAW7th6th72
 6th   #161   TRAVIS CHRISTOPHER - SUZ10th4th72
 7th   #886   KYLE TUBBS - SUZ9th7th67
 8th   #307   CHRISTOPHER BENSON - HON8th9th65
 9th   #125   KARA GROVES - YAM11th8th63
 10th   #113   DAVID HUGHES - YAM5thDNF39
 11th   #123   STEVEN SCHULTZ - YAM6thDNF37
Open C - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #621   KENNY HADRY - SUZ1st1st100
 2nd   #483   SEAN DEMORELAND - SUZ2nd2nd94
 3rd   #14   CORY JOHNSON - SUZ4th4th82
 4th   #39   RANDY WHITE - YAM5th6th76
 5th   #489   JOHN JORAN - HON12th3rd73
 6th   #395   TIMOTHY ROBINE JR - SUZ11th7th65
 7th   #702   JAMES WEAVERLING - YAM10th9th63
 8th   #915   JOSHUA MAXFIELD - HON16th10th56
 9th   #159   SAMUEL FOWLER - KAW14th13th55
 10th   #215   ETHAN BROWN - HON6th21st57
 11th   #314   MICHAEL LEWIS - SUZ20th11th51
 12th   #121   JON RASMUSSEN - SUZ13th18th51
 13th   #913   RICHARD JAQUES - SUZ18th14th50
 14th   #422   JUSTIN WHEELER - HON21st12th49
 15th   #528   WYATT HIX - HON17th16th49
 16th   #82   TERREL ISREAL - SUZ19th15th48
 17th   #770   DAVID ELLIXSON JR - HON15th20th47
 18th   #34   DEREK DUPONT - YAM3rdDNF44
 19th   #47   KEVIN BRICKEY - HONDNF5th39
 20th   #38   MICHAEL LENNON - SUZ22nd17th43
 21st   #105   JACOB CLAXTON - KAW7thDNF35
 22nd   #415   KYLE WHEELER - YAMDNF8th33
 23rd   #51   MICHAEL DONOHUE - SUZ8thDNF33
 24th   #128   DANTE BERARDI - SUZ9thDNF32
 25th   #318x   TRAVIS MARSHALL - KTM24th19th39
 26th   #29   ANDREW VALESKI - KAW23rd22nd37
 27th   #989   JACOB FOWLER - YAM25thDNF16
 28th   #453   STEVEN SIMMONS - SUZ26thDNF15
 29th   #803   JUSTIN SHADLE - KAW27thDNF14
 30th   #319   THOMAS CLAXTON - SUZ28thDNF13
 31st   #117x   DARIUS GLOVER - HON29thDNF12
Collegeboy 14-24 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #760   TYLER WOZNEY - HON2nd1st97
 2nd   #286   AUSTIN TOSKOV - KAW1st4th91
 3rd   #442   SCOTT CLARK - KAW4th3rd85
 4th   #714   BRANDON NEWMAN - HON3rd5th83
 5th   #528   WYATT HIX - HON5th6th76
 6th   #913   RICHARD JAQUES - SUZ7th7th70
 7th   #989   JACOB FOWLER - YAM6th9th69
 8th   #916   TYLER SMITH - YAM8th8th66
 9th   #77   T IRVIN - KAWDNS2nd47
Schoolboy 12-16 4 Stroke - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #4   SCOTT CLARK - KAW1st1st100
 2nd   #270   JACOB RUNKLES - KAW3rd2nd91
 3rd   #286   AUSTIN TOSKOV - KAW2nd3rd91
 4th   #32   ISAAC HARPER - HON4th4th82
 5th   #621   KENNY HADRY - SUZ6th6th74
 6th   #14   CORY JOHNSON - SUZ9th7th67
 7th   #123   STEVEN SCHULTZ - YAM8th9th65
 8th   #101   DANIEL BOHON - HON5th12th68
 9th   #483   SEAN DEMORELAND - SUZ7th13th63
 10th   #946   NICHOLAS MAYBERRY - HON16th5th64
 11th   #31   E WERNIG - HON13th8th61
 12th   #55   JOHN MCNAMARA - SUZ10th11th61
 13th   #51   MICHAEL DONOHUE - SUZ12th10th60
 14th   #214   DYLAN ROBERTSON - YAM11th16th55
 15th   #596   BRANDON CLOSE - SUZ14th15th53
 16th   #77   ABRAHAM DUNSMORE - HONDNF14th27
 17th   #51x   JEFFREY DODSON - HON17th17th48
 18th   #17   FRANK LISJAK - YAM15thDNF26
Schoolboy 12-16 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #529   SAM GALE - SUZ1st1st100
 2nd   #180   JACOB PRUITT - HON2nd2nd94
 3rd   #38   MICHAEL LENNON - SUZ4th3rd85
 4th   #726   CAMERON DOWELL - HON3rd4th85
 5th   #415   KYLE WHEELER - YAM6th7th72
 6th   #702   JAMES WEAVERLING - YAM8th6th70
 7th   #15   CHRISTOPHER HARE - YAM7th8th68
 8th   #39   RANDY WHITE - YAM11th5th69
 9th   #528   WYATT HIX - HON5th11th69
 10th   #131   JESSE CHAPPELL - SUZ10th9th63
 11th   #5   RYAN JAKOVICH - YAM9th10th63
 12th   #109   COLBY KACZKA - KAW12th12th58
 13th   #110   IAN SYLVESTER - KTM13thDNF28
Supermini 12-16 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #119   COTY SCHOCK - YAM1st1st100
 2nd   #529   SAM GALE - SUZ2nd3rd91
 3rd   #180   JACOB PRUITT - HON3rd5th83
 4th   #47   CJ CRUSE - SUZ5th4th80
 5th   #21   JESSE CHAPPELL - KAW4th6th78
 6th   #77x   ABRAHAM DUNSMORE - HON6th8th70
 7th   #3f   CHRISTOPHER FORD - KTM8th7th68
 8th   #318   ROBERT STUBBS - YAM7th10th66
 9th   #24   HALEIGH JOWETT - KTM12th9th61
 10th   #17   CONNOR NEUMER - YAM11th11th60
 11th   #726   CAMERON DOWELL - HON22nd2nd66
 12th   #41   HUNTER JACKSON - SUZ9th15th58
 13th   #110   IAN SYLVESTER - KTM14th12th56
 14th   #109   COLBY KACZKA - KAW10th18th54
 15th   #102   MITCHELL ELBURN - YAM15th14th53
 16th   #101   ANNA SHEUBROOKS - KAW13th16th53
 17th   #23x   JACK MUTH - YAM18th13th51
 18th   #444   CONNER WARNER - YAM17th17th48
 19th   #77   ANDREW HUFFNER - KAW16th22nd44
 20th   #23   HUNTER FULTON - YAM19th20th43
 21st   #118   TYLER MCCANN - HON21st19th42
 22nd   #777   ERIN HUMPHREY - HON20th21st41
Jr Mini 7-11 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #71   SHANE DESELL - KTM1st1st100
 2nd   #602   TANER TRIGGS - SUZ3rd2nd91
 3rd   #007   ZACHERY HINKLE - KTM2nd3rd91
 4th   #125   CODY GROVES - SUZ4th4th82
 5th   #19   ZACHARY LAHMAN - SUZ5th5th78
 6th   #88x   MEL MAHAN - KTM8th7th68
 7th   #66   KYLE GRAHAM - KAW7th9th67
 8th   #88   CODY AKERS - YAM11th6th67
 9th   #550   JUSTIN HALL - KTM12th8th62
 10th   #815   CALEB HARE - KTM16th10th56
 11th   #21   SKYLAR PRUITT - SUZ13th13th56
 12th   #525   DAKOTA ROBBINS - KTM6th21st57
 13th   #568   BENJAMIN CARROLL - KTM17th11th54
 14th   #72   SHAWN TILLER JR - YAM22nd12th48
 15th   #110   SAMUEL TRAYNOR - YAM18th16th48
 16th   #605   CHARLES CANTER JR - SUZ15th19th48
 17th   #101   FOSTER PEARSON - KAW9th26th47
 18th   #5   DAKOTA JOHNSON - SUZ19th17th46
 19th   #6   GRANTELY HERBERT - KAW14th22nd46
 20th   #5x   MICHAEL STEWART - KAW27th14th41
 21st   #8x   KATIE BENSON - KTM25th18th39
 22nd   #8   SHELBY BENSON - SUZ10th33rd39
 23rd   #801   COLLIN PARTRIDGE - KTM21st23rd38
 24th   #58   GAVIN SANBORN - KAW34th15th33
 25th   #530x   DAVID VALDEZ - KTM20th29th33
 26th   #38   DRAKE VOELL - YAM26th25th31
 27th   #962x   NICOLE GARRISON - SUZ23rd28th31
 28th   #65   CARSON SUPPLE - KTM28th24th30
 29th   #25   SHANE LUCKETT - KTM33rd20th29
 30th   #135   GAGE BEATTY - KTM29th27th26
 31st   #105   JACK WILSON - KAW24th34th24
 32nd   #44   JEFFREY SHEUBROOKS - KAW31st30th21
 33rd   #606   JAKE GOLDEN - SUZ30th31st21
 34th   #108   BRENDAN DALY - KAW32nd32nd18
80A 12-15 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #119   COTY SCHOCK - YAM1st1st100
 2nd   #726   CAMERON DOWELL - YAM2nd2nd94
 3rd   #529   SAM GALE - SUZ3rd3rd88
80B 12-15 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #15   CHRISTOPHER HARE - YAM1st1st100
 2nd   #47   CJ CRUSE - SUZ2nd2nd94
 3rd   #567   NICHOLAS CARROLL - KTM3rd3rd88
 4th   #3f   CHRISTOPHER FORD - KTM4th4th82
 5th   #17   CONNOR NEUMER - YAM5th6th76
 6th   #12   TYLER THOMAS - YAM7th5th74
 7th   #109   COLBY KACZKA - KAW6th8th70
 8th   #318   ROBERT STUBBS - YAM9th7th67
 9th   #27   TAMMY POSEY - YAM10th9th63
 10th   #41   HUNTER JACKSON - SUZ8th11th63
 11th   #118   TYLER MCCANN - HON11th10th61
80C 12-15 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #746   TIMOTHY JORDAN - SUZ1st1st100
 2nd   #444   CONNER WARNER - YAM2nd2nd94
 3rd   #102   MITCHELL ELBURN - YAM3rd3rd88
 4th   #77   ANDREW HUFFNER - KAW4th4th82
 5th   #63   ZACHARY MUMPOWER - KTM6th5th76
 6th   #921x   KEVIN KING - KAW5th6th76
 7th   #703   ANTHONY MORRIS - SUZ10th7th66
 8th   #23   HUNTER FULTON - YAM8th9th65
 9th   #11   DALE LEWIS - HON7th12th64
 10th   #23x   JACK MUTH - YAM12th8th62
 11th   #530   DONNIE CRANFORD - YAM9th11th62
 12th   #448   GREGORY PEREZ JR - KAW11th10th61
80A 9-11 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #71   SHANE DESELL - KTM1st1st100
80B 9-11 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #007   ZACHERY HINKLE - KTM2nd1st97
 2nd   #602   TANER TRIGGS - SUZ1st2nd97
 3rd   #125   CODY GROVES - SUZ3rd3rd88
 4th   #66   KYLE GRAHAM - KAW5th4th80
 5th   #88   CODY AKERS - YAM6th5th76
 6th   #525   DAKOTA ROBBINS - YAM8th6th70
 7th   #88x   MEL MAHAN - KTM7th7th70
 8th   #26   JEREMY FOWLER - KTM4thDNF41
80C 9-11 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #101   FOSTER PEARSON - KAW2nd1st97
 2nd   #50   BRADLEY HARDING - SUZ4th2nd88
 3rd   #38   DRAKE VOELL - YAM5th3rd83
 4th   #19   ZACHARY LAHMAN - SUZ1st8th83
 5th   #21   SKYLAR PRUITT - SUZ7th5th74
 6th   #5   DAKOTA JOHNSON - SUZ11th4th71
 7th   #110   SAMUEL TRAYNOR - YAM6th10th68
 8th   #608   JUSTIN PEREZ - KAW15th7th61
 9th   #93   RYAN PROCTOR - YAM14th9th59
 10th   #8   SHELBY BENSON - SUZ3rdDNF44
 11th   #105   JACK WILSON - KAW24th6th54
 12th   #530x   DAVID VALDEZ - YAM19th11th52
 13th   #25   SHANE LUCKETT - KTM18th12th52
 14th   #962x   NICOLE GARRISON - SUZ17th13th52
 15th   #135   GAGE BEATTY - HON16th16th50
 16th   #72   SHAWN TILLER JR - YAM8thDNF33
 17th   #13   GAVIN BLUE - SUZ9thDNF32
 18th   #58   GAVIN SANBORN - KAW10thDNF31
 19th   #232   REESE WILMOTH - KTM21st14th47
 20th   #172   HOGAN CASSELL - SUZ12thDNF29
 21st   #812   ALEX HUTCHINS - YAM13thDNF28
 22nd   #910   ZACHARY LAKE - KTM23rd15th44
 23rd   #213   BRETT SMITH - KAW20thDNF21
 24th   #44   JEFFREY SHEUBROOKS - KAW22ndDNF19
60A - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #525   DAKOTA ROBBINS - KTM2nd1st97
 2nd   #125   CODY GROVES - KTM1stDNF50
60B - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #815   CALEB HARE - KTM1st1st100
 2nd   #21   SKYLAR PRUITT - KTM3rd3rd88
 3rd   #568   BENJAMIN CARROLL - KTM2nd4th88
 4th   #5   MICHAEL STEWART - KAW5th2nd86
 5th   #119   RONALD RIDGELL - KAW4th5th80
 6th   #50   BRADLEY HARDING - KTM6th8th70
 7th   #93   RYAN PROCTOR - SUZ8th9th65
 8th   #608   JUSTIN PEREZ - KAW11th7th65
 9th   #6   GRANTELY HERBERT - KTM14th6th64
 10th   #801   COLLIN PARTRIDGE - KTM7th13th63
 11th   #172   HOGAN CASSELL - KTM10th12th60
 12th   #605   CHARLES CANTER JR - SUZ12th11th59
 13th   #13   GAVIN BLUE - KTM9th14th59
 14th   #135   GAGE BEATTY - KTM15th10th57
 15th   #814   ALEX HUTCHINS - KTM13th15th54
60C - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #550   JUSTIN HALL - KTM1st1st100
 2nd   #91   ORION GOODMAN - KTM2nd2nd94
 3rd   #9   CAMDEN FRANKLIN - KTM3rd3rd88
 4th   #810   DYLAN JARRELL - KAW4th5th80
 5th   #8x   KATIE BENSON - KTM6th4th78
 6th   #19   EDWARD PORTERFIELD - KTM8th7th68
 7th   #29   SETH WALKER - KAW9th8th65
 8th   #22   CONNER RIGG - KTM12th6th66
 9th   #121   KYLE MCALLISTER - KTM9th9th64
 10th   #447   TANNER HUFFMAN - KAW10th12th60
 11th   #63   JAKE MUMPOWER - SUZ14th10th58
 12th   #145   JESSICA BETZ - KAW11th15th56
 13th   #10x   KYLE PROCTOR - KTM17th13th52
 14th   #221   JACOB JARRELL - KAW16th14th52
 15th   #39   ZANE SLADE - KTM13th18th51
 16th   #530x   DAVID VALDEZ - KTM5th26th54
 17th   #x   OWEN PEARSON - KTM7th27th49
 18th   #65   CARSON SUPPLE - KTM18th17th47
 19th   #529   JUSTIN LUCKETT - KTM26th11th45
 20th   #74   BRYCE SVILAND - KTM21st16th45
 21st   #213   BRETT SMITH - KAW19th20th43
 22nd   #108   BRENDAN DALY - KAW22nd19th41
 23rd   #962   HALLIE GARRISON - SUZ20th22nd40
 24th   #10   DANIEL REATHERFORD - KAW15th28th39
 25th   #125   LINDSEY GROVES - KTM24th23rd35
 26th   #125x   NOAH BEATTY - KAW27th21st34
 27th   #606   JAKE GOLDEN - SUZ23rd25th34
 28th   #594   DEVON FRALEY - KAW25th24th33
50A - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #101   OWEN PEARSON - COB1st1st100
 2nd   #29   SETH WALKER - KTM2nd2nd94
 3rd   #125   NOAH BEATTY - KTM4th4th82
 4th   #529   JUSTIN LUCKETT - COB3rd5th83
 5th   #39   ZANE SLADE - KTM6th3rd81
 6th   #19   EDWARD PORTERFIELD - KTM5th7th74
 7th   #127   KYLE LUCKETT - KTM8th6th70
 8th   #6   GRANTELY HERBERT - KTM7th8th68
50B - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #221   JACOB JARRELL - KTM1st1st100
 2nd   #98   THOMAS WELCH - COB2nd2nd94
 3rd   #18   NOAH GEYER - KTM4th3rd85
 4th   #10   DANIEL REATHERFORD - PRC3rd5th83
 5th   #69   BLAKE BOWIE - KTM7th4th76
 6th   #215   MASON NAECKER - COB5th6th76
 7th   #226   NICHOLAS LAURIE - COB8th7th68
 8th   #74   BRYCE SVILAND - KTM6th11th67
 9th   #8   MAGGIE HARMISON - COB10th8th64
 10th   #252   NATHAN EASTER - KTM9th9th64
 11th   #12   CONNOR VAN SKIKE - KTM11th10th61
 12th   #524   TYLER SMITH - KTM12th12th58
50 Oil 4-8A - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #18   NOAH GEYER - KTM1st1st100
 2nd   #127   KYLE LUCKETT - COB3rd2nd91
 3rd   #215   MASON NAECKER - COB2nd4th88
 4th   #226   NICHOLAS LAURIE - COB4th3rd85
50 Oil 4-8B - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #007   MADISON NIMMO - KTM1st1st100
 2nd   #999   JAKE EDDY - KTM2nd2nd94
 3rd   #524   TYLER SMITH - KTM3rd3rd88
 4th   #75   DOMINIC BLUE - KTM4th4th82
50 4 Stroke Multi Speed - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #100   CONNOR VAN SKIKE - HON2nd1st97
 2nd   #10   RILEY HUSTON - KAW1st2nd97
50 Shaft /PW 4-6 - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #226   NICHOLAS LAURIE - YAM1st1st100
 2nd   #007   MADISON NIMMO - YAM2nd2nd94
 3rd   #82   CLAYTON STOCKSTILL - YAM3rd3rd88
 4th   #616   ISAAC JUERGENS - YAM5th4th80
 5th   #75   DOMINIC BLUE - YAM4th5th80
 6th   #315   KRISTIAN HENDERSON - YAM6th6th74
Unlimited - Overall Finish Positions  View Laptimes   View Points for this Class Points for this class
Overall Nbr Name Moto 1Moto 2 Points Earned
 1st   #442   SCOTT CLARK - KAW2nd1st97
 2nd   #77   T IRVIN - HON3rd2nd91
 3rd   #105   JACOB CLAXTON - KAW5th3rd83
 4th   #702   JAMES WEAVERLING - YAM4th4th82
 5th   #57   FOREST HUFFNER - KAW6th5th76
 6th   #319   THOMAS CLAXTON - SUZ7th6th72
 7th   #127   ROD CHESTI - SUZ8th7th68
 8th   #819   JOSHUA STEIN - KAW1stDNF50
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